
Path: doc/SLIMarrayFC5Quickstart
Last Update: Mon Feb 04 14:49:05 PST 2008

Quickstart Notes for SLIMarray on Fedora Core 5

Configure the firewall to have port 3000 open, and set SELinux to permissive

Install prerequisite sofware available through yum, as well as RubyGems. Access to root login or sudo privileges is necessary:

        su -
        yum install mysql mysql-server ruby ruby-rdoc ruby-irb ruby-devel subversion
        tar zxf rubygems-0.8.11.tgz
        cd rubygems-0.8.11
        ruby setup.rb

MySQL Configuration:

Open up /etc/my.cnf and change the line that reads ‘old_passwords=1’ to ‘old_passwords=0’. Start mysqld with:

Start MySQL server:

        su -
        /sbin/service mysqld start

Configure mysql server databases and users:

        mysql -u root
        mysql> CREATE DATABASE slimarray_production;
        mysql> CREATE DATABASE slimarray_development;
        mysql> CREATE DATABASE slimarray_test;
        mysql> DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User = '';
        mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY
        'password_you_choose' WITH GRANT OPTION;
        mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
        mysql> quit

Configuring SLIMarray:

Copy chip_accounting/config/database.example to chip_accounting/config/database.yml. Edit chip_accounting/config/database.yml to make username: root and password: <password_you_chose_earlier> for all 3 environments

Check out code and populate database:

        cd /path/where/you/want/slimarray
        svn co
        mysql -u root -p slimarray_development < db/default.mysql
        mysql -u root -p slimarray_production < db/default.mysql

Set permissions on scripts and run web server:

        chmod -R a+x script

At this point, you should be able to open a web browser and have things work when you navigate to localhost:3000. The default username is ‘admin’ with a password (that should be changed to something less obvious) of ‘admin’. Other installation options such as LDAP support, support for ‘rake’ tasks and Apache server support are described in the main SLIMarray_install.notes.
